By: Eleanor Klibanoff, Karen Brooks Harper

Abortion opponents in Texas are cautiously optimistic about the release of this draft ruling. Joe Pojman, executive director of the Texas Alliance for Life, said it’s “encouraging,” but he’s still holding his breath.

“We’ve been burnt before,” said Pojman, “I’m waiting to see the final opinion.”

In 1992, then-Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative, had indicated that he was going to vote with the majority of the court to overturn Roe in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Then he changed his mind, and the court voted to uphold the ruling.

“Assuming the draft is legitimate, I’m reminding myself that this is far from the court’s final opinion,” Pojman said. “So it’s encouraging, but it is not definitive in my mind at all.”

By: Grace Reader, Kaitlyn Karmout

On the 49th anniversary of Roe V. Wade, abortion opponents are feeling a bit more motivated.

“It could potentially scale back Roe v. Wade or overturn it completely,” said Amy O’Donnell, of the Texas Alliance for Life. “If that happens, then we will see life protected in Texas beginning at conception.”

O’Donnell is talking about the Mississippi Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case making its way through the Supreme Court. The case would prohibit all abortions, with few exceptions, after 15-weeks.

For months now, however, the Texas Heartbeat Act has banned abortions when cardiac activity is detected.

Joe Pojman, the founder of the Texas Alliance for Life, which supports outlawing abortion in all cases, including rape, said he agrees with Abbott’s goal to crack down on sexual assault. “I commend the governor to do everything possible to assure that a rapist is convicted — justice must be served on the rapist, and it must be very public so it’s a deterrent,” he said.

By: Grace Reader

“We are delighted that the Texas Heartbeat Act is back in effect saving unborn babies lives from abortion,” said Joe Pojman, Ph.D., executive director of Texas Alliance for Life on Facebook. “Saturday will not be business as usual for the abortion industry in Texas.”

Stallion’s comments come exactly a week after Billie Eilish made similar statements during her ACL set.

By: Mayra Monroy, Monica Madden, Jaclyn Ramkissoon

We are deeply disappointed by Judge Pitman’s actions today,” said Joe Pojman, Ph.D., the Texas Alliance for Life’s executive director. “Every day since Sept. 1 that the law has been in effect has been a tremendous victory for unborn children who would otherwise have lost their lives to abortion. We are hopeful that this is not the last word and that the Fifth Circuit will reverse Judge Pitman’s order.”

“At the same time, the State of Texas provides vast resources to women with unplanned pregnancies through the Alternatives to Abortion program funded at $100 million for the next two years,” said Pojman. “That program will assist 150,000 women a year and provide services for three years after the births of their children. Additionally, hundreds of privately funded non-profit organizations and church-based programs provide services to pregnant women through birth and beyond.”