Executive Director, Texas Alliance for Life


Joe Pojman, Ph.D., is the founder and executive director of the Texas Alliance for Life, a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, pro-life organization whose goals are to protect innocent human life from conception through natural death using peaceful, legal means.


Joe Pojman is frequently asked to write and speak on pro-life issues and has done numerous interviews for print, radio, and TV media, including Fox News, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor,  Dallas Morning News, and many broadcast news outlets around Texas.

Joe Pojman has lobbied for pro-life issues in the state Capitol for over 35 years and has been twice ranked as one of the top 10 lobbyists for causes by Capitol Inside magazine, higher than the lobbyists for NARAL Pro-Choice Texas and Planned Parenthood. Under his direction, Texas Alliance for Life helped to bring into law all major pro-life bills since its founding, including the parental notice and consent laws, the Prenatal Protection (personhood) Act, the Sonogram Bill, the Choose Life license plate bill, defunding Planned Parenthood, and House Bill 2.

Joe Pojman Ph.D. sitting with Rick Perry at the March for Life

Joe Pojman holds a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, both from the University of Notre Dame. His professional work experience includes three years as an engineer at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.



Joe Pojman has been a speaker at the Democrats for Life of Texas state convention. Pojman has been a delegate to 13 Texas State Republican Conventions and served as an alternate delegate to the 1996 National Republican Convention in San Diego. He chaired the Texas Republican Senatorial District 14 Convention in 2006, 2008, and 2010. He successfully debated the stem cell and cloning issues at The University of Texas at Austin as part of the Distinguished Lecturer Series in April 2007.

Joe Pojman lives in Austin with wife Beatriz. They have four children.


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