“To find out that this culture of death is now leading to the sale – this is no different than what happened in Nazi Germany,” said Rep. Jodie Laubenberg, a Parker Republican who is a leading anti-abortion lawmaker, at the rally sponsored by the Texas Alliance for Life.
By: Megan Flynn
The Senate Health and Human Services Committee’s inquiry into whether Planned Parenthood has participated in the illegal sale of fetal tissue got off to an unsurprisingly vitriolic start on Wednesday.
By: Dave Byknish
The Texas Alliance for Life, pro-life group, rallied on the steps of the Texas Capitol Tuesday morning in response to the recent videos released showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetal organs.
State officials also called for an invite-only hearing before the Senate health committee to “examine the business practices and regulatory structure of Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas,” and to investigate whether state or federal laws are being broken by Planned Parenthood as it relates to the donation and/or sale of fetal tissue.”
The Texas Alliance for Life, pro-life group, rallied on the steps of the Texas Capitol Tuesday morning in response to the recent videos released showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetal organs.