By: Hannah Tiede

Anti-abortion advocates say the money should have gone to pregnancy care centers.

“We are tremendously disappointed, but not surprised,” said Amy O’Donnell with Texas Alliance for Life. “What is important to note is that another law was passed, I believe two sessions ago, bans contracts between cities or municipalities and abortion providers and their affiliates. Now, there is somewhat of a loophole there that some of the side logistics funding organizations fall under. We are working to close that loophole because that will address some of what we are seeing with these city budget attempts to fund abortion travel.”

Mayor Ron Nirenberg told KENS 5 the city is complying with state and federal law.

By: Sarah Duran

“Abortion is not health care. The body within a woman’s body is not that woman’s body. It’s basic biology,” said Amy O’Donnell of Texas Alliance for Life.

The non profit organization based in Austin was a supporter of the trigger law, which is known as the Human Life Protection Act. In the last budget cycle, the Texas State Legislature approved $100 million for the Alternatives to Abortion Program for the next two, a $20 million increase.

“That goes towards pregnancy health centers, maternity homes, adoption agencies that support women walking through unplanned pregnancies. It’s our goal to educate every woman across the state that they can choose life. They don’t have to walk through an unplanned pregnancy alone,” said O’Donnell.

O’Donnell said their is a ‘vast number’ of pregnancy centers across the state but predicts more will be created if Roe is overturned.