We are navigating new territory regarding protecting life in a post-Roe Texas. Misinformation looms on our laws and treatments available for pregnant women facing life-threatening emergencies. We must educate Texans on the vast resources available to assist them in facing planned or unplanned pregnancies. We are also working to maintain our pro-life gains and prohibit the weakening of our laws by adding exceptions that devalue and discriminate against innocent unborn lives.
Do Chemical Abortion Drugs Harm Women? Find out in our latest episode of the Post-Roe Texas video series, featuring Charlotte Lozier Institute VP and Director of Medical Affairs Dr. Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a practicing OB/GYN in Texas, as she explains the medical risks to pregnant women inherent with chemical abortion drugs.
When TAL Public Policy Analyst Deirdre Cooper’s unborn child was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, she never questioned whether to move forward with the pregnancy and birth. As she says, life is always the compassionate answer, even for the hard cases. Hear her and her beautiful boy Bosco’s full story here. This is video nine in the Texas Alliance for Life Post-Roe Texas Video Series.
In December of 2020, Texas Alliance for Life Public Policy Analyst Deirdre Cooper received the news that her beloved eighth child likely had Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome, a severe chromosomal abnormality. A high-risk physician asked if they wanted time to “think about what to do.” In our latest Post-Roe Texas Video Series episode, she shares more of her story.
Ronda Moreland, Executive Producer of the Mark Davis Show and TAL Board Member, shares her adoption story.
Debbie Juhlke, founder and CEO of Embrace Life Initiative and Texas Alliance for Life Board Member, describes her motivation to adopt not just one child but a sibling group of four.
John Hellerstedt, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician and former Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, discusses the beauty behind the biology of conception in episode five of the Post-Roe Texas Video Series.
Terry Williams, a Care Net National Trainer, describes the wide range of services provided at hundreds of life-affirming pregnancy centers throughout Texas.
When the time comes that you or your loved one faces an end-of-life scenario, it’s good to know what Texas laws say regarding treatment protocols and dispute resolution between patients or their surrogates and physicians. In this next episode of the TAL Post-Roe Texas Video Series, Exec. Dir. Dr. Joe Pojman provides some background and history on the Texas Advanced Directives Act and how Texas leads the way in caring for patients.
The life of each human being begins at conception, a fact that science has recognized for more than a century. When people say listen to the scientists, we agree 100%. In the second episode of the Post-Roe Texas video series, our Executive Director Dr. Joe Pojman explores how Texas law has recognized the humanity of unborn children for decades, including the 2003 personhood law that protects unborn babies from homicide and culminating in the 2021 Human Life Protection Act that completely protects unborn babies from abortion, resulting in all abortion facilities across the state ceasing to perform abortions.
What’s the deal with all the stories of pregnant women not receiving prompt medical care when facing life-threatening medical emergencies in Texas? We look at that in this first episode in the TAL Post-Roe Texas video series featuring Dr. Ingrid Skop, a Texas-based OB/GYN and the Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for the Charlotte Lozier Institute. In this video, she addresses the misinformation perpetuated by many who say Texas pro-life laws don’t allow treatment of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or life-threatening emergency medical conditions for pregnant mothers.