By: Molly Hennessy-Fiske

“It’s really a question of when are you paying for this care: preventive or after she gives birth and ends up in the emergency department? From our point of view, this is a wise investment, both financially and morally,” Seago said.

Texas Alliance for Life, the state’s other large antiabortion group, had not taken a position on postpartum Medicaid expansion, but its board was still considering the measure, said spokeswoman Amy O’Donnell.

By: Charlie Butts

While she acknowledges that some women are going out of state for abortions, Amy O’Donnell of Texas Alliance for Life points out that real help is freely available to those who are choosing life for their babies.

O’Donnell, Amy (Texas Alliance for Life)O’Donnell
“We need to educate women about the vast resources we have available to them in Texas so that they know that there is help, that there is support, and that they don’t have to walk through an unplanned pregnancy on their own,” O’Donnell tells AFN.

As the state legislature goes into session early next month, she asserts that pro-lifers will “work to keep the gains that we’ve made and prevent our law from being weakened or abolished.”

“We’ll also continue to promote the expansion of the vast resources that Texas offers to women facing planned or unplanned pregnancies,” O’Donnell adds.

A bill has been introduced for a constitutional amendment to undo all of the state’s pro-life laws, and O’Donnell recalls a headline declaring that Texans would not even have a chance to vote on it.


Although these pills have been FDA-regulated since the early 2000s and are declared safe to use, anti-abortion leaders would like to see even this method of abortion stopped.

Amy O’Donnell, a public policy team member of Texas Alliance for Life, supported legislation that placed restrictions on the access and usage of abortion pills. According to her, this medication could pose significant health complications. “I would imagine that the more women become aware of the risks the more we will see those numbers drop,” O’Donnell said.

After these restrictions were passed which included banning use of abortion pills seven months into pregnancy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stated that the measures taken by the Legislature stemmed from scientifically unsupported claims.

For Texas women who want abortions, unless they can get mail order pills delivered to them undetected at their homes, travel is their only option.