The Story of Texas Alliance for Life
Thank you for helping to make Texas Alliance for Life one of the state’s premier pro-life groups. This is your story.
Mission Statement
Texas Alliance for Life is a nonprofit organization committed to protecting the fundamental right to life of all innocent human beings and promoting respect for their value and dignity from conception until natural death. We, therefore, oppose the advocacy and practice of abortion (except to preserve the mother’s life), infanticide, euthanasia, and all forms of assisted suicide.
We have three principal areas of peaceful, legal activity:
- Education
We educate community leaders, elected officials, the media, and the general public about the value of innocent human life and the need for its respect and protection. We do this through emails, information on our website, posts on social media, public speaking, videos, and events. - Public Policy
We support public policies that protect innocent human life. We work through federal, state, and local legislative, administrative, and legal processes. - Alternatives
We promote compassionate alternatives to abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
We focus our efforts in Texas and throughout the United States. Donations to support our efforts are appreciated.