By: Michael Gryboski,

Texas Alliance for Life Executive Director Joe Pojman said in a statement that he is “grateful for every day the Texas Heartbeat Act remains in effect.”

“Regardless of what the courts decide in these cases, the Texas Heartbeat law has saved hundreds or even thousands of unborn babies from the tragedy of abortion,” stated Pojman.

“At the same time, hundreds of pro-life pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies continue to help more than 100,000 women in Texas with unplanned pregnancies every year.”

By: Michael Gryboski

Paul Linton, an attorney who formerly served as general counsel for Americans United for Life, told CP that he found the Alabama and West Virginia amendment vote results “very encouraging.”

“Other states will likely consider similar measures, particularly Iowa, where a one-sentence neutrality amendment has already been introduced, and Kansas, in the event the state supreme court recognizes a right to abortion,” Linton said.

When asked how effective pro-life state amendments could be in banning abortion, Linton responded that he believed it “would depend upon the precise language of the amendment.”

“I do not think that state constitutional amendments are typically used to define and punish criminal conduct, which is more a matter for the legislatures to decide,” he explained.

“On the other hand, a strong statement of pro-life principle in a state constitution may act as a restraint on a legislature enacting a ‘liberalized’ abortion law.”

Linton referenced “neutrality amendments” as an example, which state that the constitution does not protect the right to an abortion, noting that they “would enable states to enforce pre-Roe laws prohibiting abortions” or possibly “to enact new laws prohibiting abortion.”

By: Reuters / Jon Herskowitz

A U.S. district judge on Wednesday struck down parts of a Texas law that would ban the most common type of second-trimester abortions in the state, after plaintiffs argued the procedure was safe, legal and necessary for women’s health.

U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel in Austin issued a permanent injunction against the provisions that were in legislation known as Senate Bill 8 (SB 8) and set to take effect this year, saying they “are facially unconstitutional.”

Texas Alliance for Life Executive Director Joe Pojmansaid they are “disappointed” but “not surprised” given that “Judge Yeakel has consistently struck down protective, prolife legislation passed by the Texas Legislature.”


Several pro-life groups, such as Texas Alliance for Life, told The Christian Post that the ruling is a big blow for states looking to mandate safety standards in the abortion industry.

“We think what it means is that states are not able to pass reasonable safety standards to regulate abortion facilities, to bring them up to the same standards of care that patients enjoy for similar procedures other than abortion,” said Texas Alliance for Life’s Joe Pojman.



“It sets a national precedent because it is a 5-3 decision,” Joe Pojman, executive director of Texas Alliance for Life, told The Christian Post on Monday. “We think what it means is that states are not able to pass reasonable safety standards to regulate abortion facilities, to bring them up to the same standards of care that patients enjoy for similar procedures other than abortion.”