By: Maria Mendez

The anti-abortion group Texas Alliance For Life praised the court’s ruling and said it would continue working with the state to monitor the compliance from abortion providers.

“We are very pleased with the decision of the 5th Circuit to allow Governor Abbott’s order to stand as applicable to abortion facilities just as it stands for other medical facilities,” Joe Pojman, Texas Alliance for Life’s executive director, said in a statement. “Clearly the crisis in Texas and across the nation calls for measures to conserve the personal protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses fighting coronavirus on the front lines.”

By: Gromer Jeffers Jr.

“Genevieve Collins was endorsed by the Texas Alliance for Life and dozens of pro-life leaders from across Dallas while Floyd McLendon can’t name a single pro-life endorsement. Worst of all, Floyd McLendon claims to be tough on border security when he’s admitted openly, multiple times, that he fully supports amnesty for illegal immigrants,” the statement said.

By: Allie Morris

Lining up behind Lucio are advocates typically affiliated with the Republican cause, including a group backed by powerful GOP donors Charles and David Koch. Texas Alliance for Life is advertising for Lucio, one of two Democrats the group endorsed in the Legislature.

“Our practice is to help those people who stand up for unborn babies on the Senate and House floors and that is certainly Sen. Lucio,” said the group’s executive director, Joe Pojman.

By: James Barragán

Griffin, who is endorsed by the Texas Alliance for Life, said he believes that life begins at conception but that he would not support a bill proposed last session that would have banned abortion in the state and created civil and criminal liability for a woman seeking an abortion. That bill would conflict with federal laws and established court decisions.

By: María Méndez

Joe Pojman, executive director of the Texas Alliance for Life, said he hopes the Legislature passes a bill making it a felony offense to mail abortion drugs to Texas. This would allow Texas to extradite and prosecute people from other states, Pojman said.

“Not having a doctor to follow up and administer these drugs is reckless,” he said. “Just because there’s a desire for a product online, it doesn’t mean that the government should allow it.”

By: Gardner Selby

Senate Bill 1033 would repeal language allowing a third-trimester abortion in cases of a severe fetal abnormality, meaning a life-threatening condition “incompatible with life outside the womb.” Further, the bill would bar an abortion at any time that’s requested due to the race, ethnicity or sex of a fetus, or due to the probability of having, or a diagnosis of, Down syndrome or a severe disability.

Both NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, which lobbies for abortion rights, and the Texas Alliance for Life, among anti-abortion groups, see legal weakness in the bill. Each group says restrictions on abortion before 20 weeks post-fertilization likely won’t survive court review.

“It will not survive a federal court challenge and will save no lives,” Pojman told alliance members in an online post. “The result will be more bad precedent and huge attorneys’ fees for the plaintiffs.” He added, though: “We hope that in coming years there will be enough votes on the Supreme Court to uphold a bill like this.”