By: Janice Hisle

Amy O’Donnell, spokeswoman for Texas Alliance for Life, told The Epoch Times that Trump deserves credit for his work in the pro-life arena.

“It is important to recognize that President Trump made great gains in the pro-life movement and kept his promises as far as advocating for the protection of life,” she said. “So we have to just pause and show our gratitude for that. He definitely prioritized life in his first presidency.”

By: Janice Hisle

Sometimes the drugs are sent through the mail, concealed in non-medical packaging; they also may be delivered in person with the help of volunteers who live in the United States.

Amy O’Donnell, Texas Alliance for Life spokeswoman, told The Epoch Times: “That’s a horrible name that they’re using, to bring these drugs into our state illegally that can harm women or even take their lives— and there’s nothing ‘magical’ about that. It’s an atrocity.”

O’Donnell’s group and others have been urging federal action recently, following news media reports highlighting the abortion-pill networks.

In a strongly worded Oct. 25 letter to Congress, Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life Action, wrote: “In January, the Pro-Life Generation expects the House and Senate to take on this issue with the seriousness it deserves, rather than settling for show votes on easily agreed-upon legislation that does not significantly reduce the number of abortions or protect women from a predatory abortion industry.”

By: Jack Phillips

Texas’s law allows private citizens—except for an individual who impregnated a woman through rape or incest—to sue physicians who perform abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

“The applicants now before us have raised serious questions regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law at issue,” the Supreme Court’s majority wrote in an opinion earlier this week. “But their application also presents complex and novel antecedent procedural questions on which they have not carried their burden.”

A number of pro-life organizations such as the Texas Alliance for Life praised the Supreme Court’s decision, while pro-abortion groups decried the move.

By: Katabella Roberts

Meanwhile, pro-life organizations such as Texas Alliance for Life welcomed the Texas Heartbeat Act and the Supreme Court’s decision.

“We celebrate the lives of unborn children who will be protected from abortion as a result,” said Dr. Joe Pojman, executive director of Texas Alliance for Life in a statement.

“Hundreds of pregnancy centers and maternity homes throughout Texas are expanding their capacity and resources to meet the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies who may seek their support,” he said.

“Also, the State of Texas has increased funding for the highly successful Alternatives to Abortion program to $100 million for the biennium to provide services to 150,000 clients per year.”