By: Noah DeGarmo

Joe Pojman, executive director of Texas Alliance for Life, told The Dallas Express his anti-abortion organization “favored those exceptions in law because we want to make sure that doctors can treat a woman whose pregnancy is endangering her life.”

He described HB 3058 as “an attempt to clarify” those exceptions.

“I’m grateful that the governor [and] the legislature [are] taking particular care to try and clarify what’s already in law,” said Pojman. “But I point out, it’s already in law, and doctors were already immune from prosecution or civil liability.”

By: Noah DeGarmo

Texas Alliance for Life Founder and Executive Director Joe Pojman told The Dallas Express, “We are thrilled to see that the protective laws that the legislature passed are working.”

“Abortions have dramatically decreased and births have increased,” he said. “Those children are welcome in Texas and Texas provides vast resources for women with unplanned pregnancies who carry their children to term, whether they … place the babies up for adoption or keep the babies.”

Pojman noted that Texas has “more than 300 pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies” and that the state provides taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage to lower-income pregnant women during pregnancy and up to two months after birth.

By: Noah DeGarmo

Amy O’Donnell, director of communications for the Texas Alliance for Life, told The Dallas Express, “It is unfortunate that Wendy Davis and the others mentioned in the suit would prefer to take innocent unborn babies’ lives and harm the hearts and potentially the well-being of mothers rather than put their time, energy, and resources toward supporting compassionate alternatives to abortion.”

“We applaud our pro-life legislators and Governor Abbott for prioritizing the care of women and their babies in Texas,” she added.