By: Nicole Russell
Joe Pojman, the executive director of Texas Alliance for Life, explained the portion of the law that describes potential civil liabilities for violating, aiding, or abetting it. While Texas Alliance for Life did not draft the legislation, the organization supports it and believes it is well-written.
“Any individual can sue an abortion provider, the physician, nurses, other staff, or other individuals or organizations in assisting women in getting an abortion,” Pojman said. “The enforcement is all private. It comes from individuals suing someone who performs an abortion or assists someone in getting an abortion.”
What about the Uber driver who drives a woman to an abortion clinic or the therapist who discovers her client wants an abortion, has planned an abortion, or has even had one?
Pojman said a person would have to “knowingly violate the law.” The Uber driver, unless he or she is very familiar, would not knowingly be violating the law, Pojman clarified.