By: Al Lindsey

Prominent Texas anti-abortion advocates applauded the work of Abbott and other GOP leaders for legislation that banned the procedure. Joe Pojman, executive director of the Texas Alliance for Life, celebrated the near-complete end to abortion in the state, noting the harsh penalties for providers who administer or enable the procedure.

“Let’s continue to make Texas a state in which abortion is entirely unthinkable and where everyone, from conception to natural death, is protected and thrives,” Pojman said.

While Abbott and others lauded the work of the anti-abortion movement other rally participants said they felt there was still work to be done.

“We want abortion to be unthinkable,” said Aidan Garza, of Austin, echoing a refrain splashed on posters and expressed by several attendees of the rally.

Garza said he was marching in the walk to the Capitol that preceded the rally, as a member of his congregation of the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church. He said he wants to see a federal law outlawing abortion.