By: Ford Sanders

Groups, including Texas Alliance for Life, argue these laws are clear and a lawsuit like this is to open the pathway for more and more abortions to be allowed.

“The lawsuit seeks to significantly expand the reasons to allow abortions in our state, putting the lives of thousands of unborn babies in Texas at risk every year,” said Amy O’Donnell with the organization. “The New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights is seeking to expand abortion access in Texas at the expense of unborn babies lives, while using the stories of women who tragically lost their babies due to either doctors being confused about the clarity that exists in the medical language in Texas pro-life laws, or due to fatal diagnoses for unborn babies.”

The hearing on Tuesday was just in regard to the injunction set in place by Judge Mangrum that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appealed. There isn’t expected to be a ruling on this until a couple months into next year.

By: Isabella Basco

KVUE reached out to several abortion rights opponents who emailed us statements regarding the anniversary. The organizations include the Texas Alliance for Life, Diocese of Austin and Texas Right to Life

Texas Alliance for Life Communications Director Amy O’Donnell:

“Today we celebrate the overturning of Roe v Wade and the fact that life is now protected in Texas from conception on. Roe was an act of judicial activism from the bench that robbed millions of baby girls of their lives and assaulted the hearts of their mothers. A true feminist mindset recognizes that women do not have to choose between having their babies, planned or unplanned, and achieving great things. It is not either/or; it’s both/and. We, women, can both give birth to our children, no matter the circumstances of their conception, and live successful lives. We do not have to buy into the lie society has perpetuated for decades. It’s insulting to our true capacity.

Any donations toward supporting women are better spent going towards the hundreds of pregnancy help centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes across our state.

We are grateful that from our elected statewide leaders and legislators to our citizens, the majority of Texans prioritize life. The voters have shown this at the polls, and the legislature has proven this time and again through their generous funding of the state’s Alternatives to Abortion Program, funded at $100 million for the current biennium. This program provides services to women with unplanned pregnancies with the goal that they can successfully carry the baby to term, give birth, and keep the baby or place the baby for adoption. Services are available for three years after birth.”