By: Kelsey Jukam

“It is unconscionable that anyone would defend the grinding and flushing of the bodies of unborn babies who are victims of abortion down the drain and into a city sewer system as if they were mere medical waste,” said John Pojman, executive director of Texas Alliance for Life. “That method of the disposition of the remains should be banned, as the proposed rules do.”

“We are hoping that the Legislature will ban that practice,” said Dr. Joe Pojman of the Texas Alliance for Life. “I would point out that the Governor is very supportive of this proposal.”

Pojman says fetal tissue should never be used for medical research.

“I would like to see that stopped,” he said. “That should never be going on in any of our public or private universities.”

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By: Alex Zielinski

But Joe Pojman, director of the anti-abortion group Texas Alliance for Life, identified one organization that seemed interested in this task. Pojman said that while following the new regulation will likely cost more than clinics’ current method of disposing abortion remains, the financial difference could easily be covered by Our Lady of the Rosary, an Austin cemetery.

By: Joe Pojman

Just over a year ago the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began to release a series of undercover videos chronicling Planned Parenthood’s alarming practice of selling body parts of aborted victims– livers, kidneys, eyeballs, brains, and more – for research. Not only are members of the public shocked by what we saw, so are pro-life state political leaders. They have begun to respond, and this article gives a summary of what has been done and what we can expect.

By: Alex Zielinski

The numbers “are much smaller than what one would expect,” said Joe Pojman, the executive director of Texas Alliance for Life, in an interview with Politico, adding that the data “defies common sense.”
TAL has indicated its intention to push clinics to release more data on abortion patients, in hopes of finding something to back their currently empty arguments.