Hello Texas! Wow this is a great crowd, and I want to thank you all.
I want to thank the 50 members of the Host Committee organizations who help make this go on.
And our courageous elected officials, who have made all this happen.
And above all our governor — Greg Abbott. Under his leadership, this past year has been a sensational success.
The Texas Legislature, and both the Senate, which meets up there, and the House, which meets up there, passed, and Gov. Abbott signed into law, and astounding number of pro-life measures:
- 10 Pro-Life Bills,
- Doubled funding for the Alternatives to Abortion program, and
- Continued defunding of Planned Parenthood.
You heard about Senate Bill 8 to shut down Planned Parenthood’s hideous practice of trafficking baby body parts. But also,
- The groundbreaking reporting bill by Senator Donna Campbell and Representative Giovanni Capriglione…to accurately report complications of abortions.
- Pro-Life insurance reform; so we don’t have to pay for abortions in our insurance premiums.
- Protections for women, and young girls, from forced abortions, especially victims of sex trafficking. Do you know, because of what was passed in the legislature, it is now a first-degree felony crime to take the life of the (quote) “unborn child” of a minor girl who is trafficked? That’s now here in Texas.
- And there are many, many other victories.
Our pro-life leaders — Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and Speaker Joe Straus — have made Texas the envy of the nation on the life issue!
And the nation’s getting it. The nation is following our lead. Just this past week, we saw history made in Washington D.C., when President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Speaker Ryan participated in the national March for Life.
It’s been 45 years since Roe v. Wade. We know how tragic that has been.
But we also know that millions of unborn babies have been born and not aborted because of these laws.
But also because of the compassionate alternatives to abortion, including adoption, offered by thousands of pro-life pregnancy resource centers and adoption agencies including here in Texas and across our nation.
Because of the pro-life vigils, prayer vigils at the abortion facilities, the 40 Days for Life movement.
And let’s not forget the pro-life sermons from our priests and pastors in our church that inspire us at our places of worship.
Ours is a young movement — 45 years. You know, the great movements like ours take decades or hundreds of years to accomplish our goals.
And we know it may take another 45 years before to get to the promised land, but we will get there.
Life is special. Life is precious. Life begs to thrive. Because of who we are and what we continue to accomplish, Life has HOPE.
Thank you!