Editor’s Note: This speech was given at Texas Alliance for Life’s quarterly Leadership Circle luncheon on January 31, 2018, in Austin.
Welcome everyone. My name is Dr. Joe Pojman. I’m the executive director of Texas Alliance for Life. If you are new to Texas Alliance for Life, welcome to our first quarterly Leadership Circle luncheon of 2018.
I wish to recognize my staff:
- Lance Peterson, director of financial development
- Melissa Duncan, director of communications,
- Anita Bray, administrative assistant,
- Jenny Andrews, public policy analyst,
- Deirdre Cooper, public policy analyst, and
- Solomon Schroder, database assistant.
We have had a very eventful fall and winter.
We have spent a great deal of time giving credit to Governor Greg Abbott and pro-life leadership of the Legislature — Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and House Speaker Joe Straus — for the sensational successes of 2017.
We have a handout on the tables with three pages of the accomplishments. These are also on our website TexasAllianceforLife.org.
All of these accomplishments will continue to make Texas a national leader in protecting the most vulnerable among us, mothers and unborn babies, people at the end of life, and victims of forced abortions.
We are recognizing a number of legislators with our “Courageous Defense of Life” awards and plan to travel to various districts across the state to present those awards.
Later today we are releasing our Legislative Scorecard — first to the media, and then to all of you.
October Dinner with Ann McInhenney
Wasn’t our October Dinner wonderful? We had more than 1,300 people in attendance, among our largest.
Ann McInhenny, author of the book Gosnell and producer of the upcoming movie by the same name, really brought home a very poignant message.
When government turns a blind eye and fails to regulate abortion facilities — as happened in Pennsylvania — the result is horror compounded on the tragedy of each and every abortion that occurs in those facilities. We cannot let that happen here in Texas.
Seven years ago, Texas had 46 abortion facilities. Today there are 21. Yes, 21 too many, but until they close, we must assure they abide by each and every safety regulation on the books.
We have that solemn moral obligation.
Our next dinner will be Saturday, October 20, in Austin. Please think about inviting guests to your tables. We need you to spread the pro-life message to new people.
Federal Court Challenge to SB 8
One of the bills that passed, SB 8, bans inhumane disposition of the bodies of babies who die from abortion by merely requiring cremation or burial.
Already the abortion providers — led by the abortion chain Whole Woman’s Health — are attacking that law in federal court. The federal court here in Austin has issued a preliminary injunction preventing enforcement. That means the abortion facilities may continue to grind and flush the babies’ bodies down a municipal sewer system and put them in a landfill after incineration. That lawsuit will last many months. I am so grateful to our general counsel Christopher Maska, who explains to us what the legal maneuvers really mean, so we can keep you and the pro-life public of Texas apprised.
Governor Greg Abbott at the Texas Rally for Life
I could not have been more proud of our Governor, Greg Abbott, who gave a beautiful speech Saturday at the Texas Rally for Life! Truly, he is a great pro-life leader and statesman.
We think the crowd was the largest yet, with DPS estimates exceeding 5,000.
March Primary Election
The March Primary Election is just around the corner, with Early voting beginning on February 20th. Watch for our Pro-Life Voter Guide on our Texas Alliance for Life website or just ProLifeVoterGuide.org.
Appreciation for the Leadership Circle
We so appreciate you members of the Leadership Circle. Your one-time gifts, your monthly donations, especially to our lobby fund, your encouraging calls and emails. You make our critical work possible.
And we thank you for bringing guests. We hope you will consider joining our Leadership Circle, which you can do by filling out the cards on the table or at our website.
Thank you all so much.
Introduction of Monica Cline
I have recently come to know a great friend of our movement, one of many who was formerly convinced that Planned Parenthood’s vision for the education of our youth regarding sexual activity and birth control was the best way to help them.
We know that Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs are really a way to market their birth control products and – when birth control fails as it often does – to market abortion to very young girls. She is now squarely on our side, and we appreciate her so very much.
Please welcome Monica Cline.