By: Maria Mendez

The anti-abortion group Texas Alliance For Life praised the court’s ruling and said it would continue working with the state to monitor the compliance from abortion providers.

“We are very pleased with the decision of the 5th Circuit to allow Governor Abbott’s order to stand as applicable to abortion facilities just as it stands for other medical facilities,” Joe Pojman, Texas Alliance for Life’s executive director, said in a statement. “Clearly the crisis in Texas and across the nation calls for measures to conserve the personal protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses fighting coronavirus on the front lines.”

By: Andrea Zelinski

The data is too old to offer a sense of how accessible abortions are, said Joe Pojman, executive director of Texas Alliance for Life. Five abortion clinics and more than 100 centers offering alternatives to abortion have opened since researchers conducted its last interviews and surveys, he said.

“I believe there are grave reasons to question the relevance of the data that the author is putting forward because it’s quite old and things have changed he Texas,” said Pojman.

By: María Méndez

Joe Pojman, executive director of the Texas Alliance for Life, said he hopes the Legislature passes a bill making it a felony offense to mail abortion drugs to Texas. This would allow Texas to extradite and prosecute people from other states, Pojman said.

“Not having a doctor to follow up and administer these drugs is reckless,” he said. “Just because there’s a desire for a product online, it doesn’t mean that the government should allow it.”