- Published
- May 06, 2021

Texas House Gives Initial Approval to the Human Life Protection Act, HB 1280, to Completely Protect Unborn Children from Abortion
May 6, 2021
Amy O’Donnell
512.477.1244 (o)
AUSTIN, TX — On Wednesday, May 5, the Texas House gave preliminary approval to one of Texas Alliance for Life’s top legislative priorities — the Human Life Protection Act, HB 1280 — on an 80-64 vote. The House is expected to give final approval today, and HB 1280 will go to the Senate where it is expected to receive approval.
The bill bans abortion beginning at conception (fertilization) and goes into effect when and to the extent the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. HB 1280 is supported by numerous pro-life groups and organizations, including the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, Texans for Life, Students for Life of America, and the State Republican Executive Committee. HB 1280 is authored by Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake). The Senate passed an identical bill, SB 9 by Sen. Angela Paxton (R-McKinney), on March 30.
A hostile amendment by Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-Royse City) would have gutted HB 1280 by requiring it to go into effect immediately, allowing it to be blocked in federal court and rendered useless. Speaker Dade Phelan correctly ruled the amendment out of order because it changed the purpose of the bill.
“We commend those House members who voted to pass the Human Life Protection Act,” said Texas Alliance for Life’s executive director Dr. Joe Pojman. “This act completely protects unborn children from abortion beginning at conception as quickly as possible.”
“In the last two decades, the progress Texas has made toward protecting unborn babies and providing compassionate alternatives to abortion has been nothing short of breathtaking,” Pojman added. “With the passage of this bill, the House has joined the Senate in showing they aim to continue moving forward key pieces of life-saving legislation, even during a challenging COVID session.”
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