- Published
- September 01, 2021
September 1, 2021
Amy O’Donnell, Director of Communications
512.477.1244 (o)
Texas —Despite numerous legal challenges, the Texas Heartbeat Act, signed by pro-life Governor Greg Abbott, went into effect today.
“We celebrate the lives of unborn children who will be protected from abortion as a result. Hundreds of pregnancy centers and maternity homes throughout Texas are expanding their capacity and resources to meet the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies who may seek their support. Also, the State of Texas has increased funding for the highly successful Alternatives to Abortion program to $100 million for the biennium to provide services to 150,000 clients per year,” said Dr. Joe Pojman, Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life.
For more information on the various pregnancy help centers across Texas, please visit https://www.texaspregnancy.org/.