In the race for Texas State House District 13, Ben Leman is by far the best pro-life choice. We urge voters to get out and vote for Ben in the Republican Primary Runoff Election on May 22 (early voting is May 14 – 18).

Ben is right for House District 13. He is staunchly pro-life, he supports the many pro-life laws that the Texas Legislature has passed, and he will vote for a total ban on abortion when that will be upheld by the federal courts.
He has the conservative values, the leadership abilities, the experience in public service, and the devotion to honesty and integrity to effectively protect innocent unborn babies and their mothers from the tragedy of abortion at the Capitol in Austin.
That is why Texas Alliance for Life PAC and other state pro-life leaders strongly support Ben for State Representative.
Wide Support from Pro-Life Leaders
We are proud that our executive director is included with prominent, pro-life leaders who support Ben Leman.
- Dr. Joe Pojman, founder and executive director of Texas Alliance for Life PAC. Dr. Pojman has been lobbying in the Texas Capitol for more than three decades.
- Abby Johnson, the former director of the Bryan, Texas, Planned Parenthood abortion facility. She is now among the most effective pro-life leaders in the nation.
- Kyleen Wright of Texans for Life and Life PAC. Kyleen is a 43-year-veteran of the pro-life movement and has decades of experience lobbying for pro-life laws in Austin.
- Karen Garnett, North Texas pro-life activist.
- Andrew Smith, State Director, Texas Pro-Life Action Team.
False Information from Texas Right to Life
We regret that Ben Leman’s opponent and a Houston-based political action committee, Texas Right to Life, funded by West Texas billionaires, have resorted to baseless attacks against Texas Alliance for Life as a way to attack Ben, calling us a “fake pro-life group.” That is a complete falsehood.
Texas Alliance for Life: A Premier Pro-Life Organization
The reality is that Texas Alliance for Life is among the premier pro-life advocacy organizations in the state and has worked to pass pro-life bills in the Capitol for 30 years. The pro-life bills we have helped to pass are almost too numerous to count. But here are some examples:
- A ban on abortions after 20 weeks, including abortions on babies with disabilities like Down syndrome, spina bifida, and cleft palate
- Fourfold increase in funding for the state’s very successful Alternatives to Abortion program.
- A ban on grisly partial-birth abortions and the sale of baby body parts after abortion.
- A requirement that the precious remains of the victims of abortion be humanely cremated or buried and not treated like medical waste.
- Increased protections for patients against euthanasia at the end of life.
- Protections for unborn babies in their mothers’ wombs from violent crimes of murder and assault by recognizing their personhood.
- Parental consent for abortions on minor girls.
Among the measures we are most proud to support are the 2011 law and the ongoing budget provisions over the last seven years that resulted in defunding Planned Parenthood by 90%, shifting some $30 million to providers of comprehensive women’s healthcare who do not provide or promote abortion.
Most recently, 2017 had sensational successes as the Legislature passed, and Governor Abbott signed into law, 10 new pro-life bills.
As a result of these pro-life laws as well as many others, more than half of the abortion facilities in Texas have closed, abortions are in steep decline in Texas, and countless lives have been saved.

Governor Greg Abbott had this to say about Texas Alliance for Life: “Because of you, Texas leads the nation in defending those who do not have a voice.”

Ben Leman Is Right for House District 13
Ben Leman strongly supports all of these legislative achievements. We need him in the Capitol in Austin to continue to advance protections for unborn babies and their mothers from abortion. We urge all Republican voters to get out and support Ben Leman for your next State Representative. You are eligible to vote even if you did not vote in the March Primary Election. Since turnout can be very low in runoff elections, your vote will make a huge difference.
Republican Primary Runoff Voting Locations:
Tuesday, May 22. 7 AM – 7 PM.
Austin County
- Phone: 979.865.8633
- Location: Click here.
Burleson County
- Phone: 979.567.2000
- Location: Click here.
Colorado County
- Phone: 979.732.2155
- Location: Click here.
Fayette County
- Phone: 979.968.6563
- Location: Click here.
Grimes County
- Phone: 936.873.4424
- Location: Click here.
Lavaca County
- Phone: 361.798.3594
- Location: Click here.
Washington County
- Phone: 979.277.6200×123
- Location: Click here.
Pol. Ad. paid for by Texas Alliance for Life PAC