==> Opposition emails flooding in from abortion supporters <==
We urgently need you to write two quick emails to support pro-life initiatives in the Texas Department of State Health Services, which regulates abortion facilities. Your emails will take only a couple of minutes, but they may save many lives.
(If you have already sent your emails, we thank you. Please forward this to pro-life friends.)
We have reason to believe that opposition emails are flooding in by the thousands.
Please send your emails by Friday!
Woman’s Right to Know Brochure
Since the Texas Legislature passed the Woman’s Right to Know Act in 2003, a priority of Texas Alliance for Life that year, each abortion provider must give women considering abortion the state-produced Woman’s Right to Know Informational Material. This is a booklet that gives information about the developing unborn child, the methods and risks of abortion, and alternatives.
The Department of State Health Services is revising that brochure, and here is a link to the revision.
The new version is easier to read and more informative. We urge you to write to support that brochure. We have been told that abortion providers hate this brochure because of the information it provides to women considering abortion. This is an opportunity for the 54,000 women and girls who have abortions each year in Texas to receive unbiased information about the development of their unborn babies, the methods and risks of abortion, and the alternatives to abortion.
Comments must be emailed by Friday, July 29, 2016.
Sample Message — Please use your own words.
Email: WRTK@dshs.state.tx.us
John Hellerstedt, M.D.
Commissioner, Department of State Health Services
Dear Dr. Hellerstedt,
I am writing to support the revised version of the Woman’s Right to Know Information Material brochure. A woman considering abortion should have enough information to make an informed decision about abortion. The information in this brochure is very important to women considering abortion.. I want the Department to approve the new brochure.
Your name
Your address
Rules Needed for Humane Disposition of Bodies of Abortion Victims
We urge all citizens to send an email to support them. Please write by Friday, July 29, 2016. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the Supreme Court prevents states from protecting unborn babies from most abortions. However, the State of Texas has a moral obligation to prevent the victims of abortion from being disposed of like medical waste.
Abortion providers oppose these changes. The rules would no longer allow abortion providers to dispose of the remains of aborted babies by “grinding and discharging into a sanitary sewer system,” which current rules permit.
Pro-life Governor Greg Abbott strongly supports these rules, and they are consistent with his LIFE Initiative, which Texas Alliance for Life strongly supports. Last year, State Senator Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown) conducted a special hearing of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on the issue of selling baby body parts by abortion facilities including Planned Parenthood. This spring, State Representative Byron Cook (R-Corsicana) convened the House State Affairs Committee for a hearing on the disposition of the bodies of abortion victims and on research on their tissues and organs.
Chairman Cook wrote to the Department requesting a rules change in May, shortly after he became aware that the current rules allow abortion facilities to dispose of the abortion victims in the same manner as medical waste. He wrote:
The purpose of this letter is to strongly urge the agency to immediately modify this rule, as it is unfathomable that these options for disposal of aborted or miscarried babies were ever written into rule and have been applicable for 27 years.
Here is our news release on this issue.
Sample Message — Please use your own words.
Email: allison.hughes@dshs.state.tx.us
Please specify “Comments on special waste from health care-related facilities” in the subject line.
Allison Hughes, Health Facility Rules Coordinator
Department of State Health Services
Dear Ms. Hughes:
I strongly support the proposed rules to prevent abortion facilities from using garbage disposals and flushing the remains into the municipal sewer systems, and I urge the department to adopt them.
Current law allows abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman’s Health, to dispose of the bodies of the precious unborn babies in that very inhumane manner.
Each abortion is a terrible tragedy. Our state should not allow the abortion providers to treat the victims like medical waste.
Your name
Your address