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* * * URGENT LEGISLATIVE ALERT 3/24/21 * * *

Urge your state senator to support the Human Life Protection Act, SB 9, and other priority, pro-life bills!

March 24, 2021

Several pro-life bills are headed to the Texas Senate floor as early as Monday. Your calls or emails are urgently needed to your state senator to advance three critically important pro-life bills:

  • SB 9, the Human Life Protection Act, a complete ban on abortion to protect unborn babies beginning at fertilization.
  • SB 394, to ensure chemical abortion safety protocols, and
  • SB 650, to ban tax-funded promotion of abortion.

Your call or email could lead to saving the lives of tens of thousands of unborn babies every year in Texas!

SAMPLE MESSAGES — Use your own words.

Sen.  (Find Your State Senator Here)

Phone — (you may call after business hours)

Hello, my name is (name). I live at (address). My email address is (email). Please ask Senator (Your Senator’s Name) to support SB 9, the Human Life Protection Act, as well as SB 394 and SB 650, on the Senate floor. Thank you.

Email —

Sen. (Insert Your Senator’s Name)
Texas State Senate District (Your District Number)

Dear Sen.(Insert Name):

Please support SB 9, the Human Life Protection Act, as well as SB 394 and SB 650, on the Senate floor.

Your Name & Address

Please let us know you’ve made your contacts.

Send comments to info@texasallianceforlife.org.


  • The Senate State Affairs Committee recently held hearings on several pro-life bills, including three critically important Texas Alliance for Life priority bills. The next day, the Committee voted all of them out. Here is our news release.
  • The bills will likely be debated on the Senate floor next week, as early as Monday.
  • There is more information about each of these three bills and other Texas Alliance for Life’s priority, pro-life bills here.

Leg. Ad. Paid for by Texas Alliance for Life