Urge Your State Representative to Support a Ban on Dangerous Mail-Order Chemical Abortions
Please immediately urge your state representative to support a critically important pro-life bill to prevent deaths and other harm to women from chemical abortions. That bill, SB 4, bans dangerous mail-order abortions and creates safety protocols for chemical abortions using the RU-486 abortion pill, the most common method of abortions in Texas.
The Senate passed this bill on August 11, and Rep. Stephanie Klick (R-Ft. Worth) has sponsored SB 4 in the House.
Pro-life Gov. Greg Abbott has called two special sessions to address issues not passed during the regular session last spring, including this issue.
Your call or email is critically important and could save many lives.
The House is scheduled to debate SB 4 on Monday and Tuesday. Calls and emails are needed immediately!
SAMPLE MESSAGES — Use your own words.
Find Your State Representative Here
PHONE — (You may leave a message after business hours.)
Hello, my name is (name). I live at (address). Please ask Rep. ________ to support SB 4 to protect women from mail-order abortions and create safety protocols for chemical abortions. Thank you.
EMAIL — first.last@house.texas.gov
The Honorable __________
Texas State House
Dear Rep. __________:
Please support SB 4 to ban mail-order abortions and to create safety protocols for chemical abortions.
Thank you.
Your name
Your address
Let us know that you have made your contact.
Send an email with any comments to info@texasallianceforlife.org.
- On August 11, the Texas Senate approved SB 4 to ban mail-order abortion and create safety protocols for chemical abortions using the RU-486 abortion pill, the most common method of abortions in Texas.
- Authored by Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. (D-Brownsville), SB 4 passed decisively on a 19-10 vote. Under the leadership of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, this is the third time the Senate has passed this bill, including during the regular session last spring and during each of the two special sessions this summer.
- Rep. Stephanie Klick (R-Ft. Worth) has authored HB 6, the companion bill in the House. Pro-life Gov. Greg Abbott included chemical abortion safety protocols on the agenda of both special sessions.
- The need for this bill is demonstrated by the fact that chemical abortions result in a 20% complication rate for women, four times higher than surgical abortions, according to a highly credible study published by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Complications include incomplete abortion resulting in baby body parts or placenta remaining in the uterus, future miscarriage and stillbirth from unmanaged Rh factor, and hemorrhaging and death from undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.
- Ever since the Obama-Biden administration relaxed the RU-486 safety protocols in 2016, the numbers of chemical abortions have rapidly increased in Texas — from 5,000 in 2014 to 28,000 in 2020, nearly a six-fold increase. Chemical abortions now account for 53% of all abortions in Texas, according to data from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
- SB 4 clarifies that only physicians may dispense the abortion-causing drugs, and the bill creates felony penalties for anyone who mails these dangerous drugs.