November is National Adoption Awareness Month, and it’s an excellent time for us to reflect on and talk about the gift of adoption.
President Ronald Regan created the first National Adoption Week in 1984. President Clinton expanded that week to a full month. Since that time, each president has issued a proclamation recognizing the month of November as National Adoption Awareness Month.
President Donald J. Trump is no exception. His proclamation issued on October 30, 2020 states, “During National Adoption Month, we recognize birth families who make the difficult decision to place their children up for adoption, commend foster parents who care for children from different backgrounds and celebrate adoptive parents who open their families to those children in need.”
A message prevalent in our society today is that women facing unplanned pregnancies have to choose between achieving their dreams and goals and having a baby.
Organizations like Planned Parenthood and many famous actors and so-called public leaders perpetuate this lie. Yet, it is simply untrue. The two are not mutually exclusive. And one thing often missed in this false either-or dilemma is the reality of another option — adoption.
Statistics show that there are roughly the same amount of people in the United States waiting to adopt babies as there are abortions each year. Every child — born, and unborn — has unlimited value. Every child deserves a chance to live out a bright future in a loving home.
Every woman who makes the loving decision to give birth to her unborn baby and choose the loving option of placing her baby for adoption is to be commended because she is truly a hero. And the same goes for birth fathers who make the same decision.
Adoption is such a beautiful gift. And we celebrate those of you who’ve experienced the joys of adoption personally.
You can help promote and celebrate adoption. November is a great time to purchase a Choose Life specialty license plate for your car, light truck, motorcycle, or moped.
The Choose Life License Plate allows you to become a moving billboard for Life, promoting the loving option of infant adoption wherever you drive.
The annual cost for the plates is only $30. $22 goes to qualified organizations that provide counseling and material assistance to pregnant women considering placing their unborn children for adoption, including pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies. Organizations that provide or promote abortion are not eligible to receive funds. The remaining $8 covers state and county administrative costs.
It’s a win/win program. A win for you as a driver because you promote life everywhere you drive and a win for our organizations assisting women in choosing life for their unborn babies.
I have Choose Life plates on my vehicle. It always brings me joy to see others on the road as well.
Please consider purchasing yours today. You can do that any time of the year, not just when you register your vehicle.
In February, Texas Alliance for Life is partnering with several adoption organizations and Pregnancy Resource Center leaders to host the Pro-Life Adoption Empowerment Conference. Our goal is to equip and empower all within the pro-life community, especially pregnancy center and maternity home directors and staff, to have a clearer understanding of the emotional, spiritual, and legal information on adoption and to promote adoption as a loving alternative to abortion.
We have information on the website, and we will be adding information on speakers and the schedule as we finalize plans for the event. We invite you to check it out.