- Published
- May 11, 2018
AUSTIN, TX — Texas Alliance for Life today released the following statement on the Democrat gubernatorial debate to take place in Austin, Texas tonight. The statement is attributed to Executive Director Joe Pojman, Ph.D.
“As we approach the May 22 runoff election, Texas Alliance for Life is discouraged that the Texas Democratic Party has pressured Andrew White to renounce his pro-life values and embrace Roe v. Wade.
His previously-stated stance of being ‘deeply, personally’ pro-life and his position as an elder of a Houston church that is part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) gave us hope that the Democratic Party would be open to a pro-life candidate. As an elder in a PCA church, Mr. White was tasked with upholding the Church’s teachings, which include opposing abortion in all forms. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Mr. White resigned his position as an elder and has flip-flopped on this issue in an apparent effort to win votes.
For too long, the Democratic Party of Texas has abandoned Texans who believe in defending the sanctity of life. They have turned the abortion debate into a litmus test and excluded candidates who seek to bring a pro-life voice into the party, and thus have forced Mr. White to abandon his pro-life position.
We sincerely hope that Mr. White will untangle himself and return to his original position of support for the unborn, and offer Democrat voters a true pro-life option in this runoff.
Protecting our unborn children can and should be a shared goal for all of us, regardless of political ideology.”
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