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Urge Your State Representative to Support SB 24 to Strengthen the Alternatives to Abortion Program

The State legislative session is underway in Austin, with fewer than three weeks remaining. Among Texas Alliance for Life’s top priorities is to continue and strengthen the State’s highly successful Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) program.

SB 24 by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) and Rep. James Frank (R-Wichita Falls) puts the A2A program into statute so that it will continue for many years and not be subject to the whims of the state budget writers every two years. SB 24 has already passed the Senate. The House must pass SB 24 before it can get to Governor Abbott for his signature. With very little time left in the session, please act immediately.

Please ask your state representative to support SB 24. See a sample message below.

Find Your State Representative Here.

SAMPLE MESSAGES — Use your own words.

PHONE — (You may leave a message after business hours.)

Hello, my name is (name). I live at (address). Please ask Rep. _________ to support SB 24 to put the Alternatives to Abortion program into statute. Thank you.

EMAIL — first.last@house.texas.gov

The Honorable ___________
Texas State Representative District ___

Dear Rep. ___________:

I urge you to support SB 24 to put the Alternatives to Abortion program into statute.

Thank you.

Your name & address

Let us know that you have made your contact.

Send an email with any comments to info@texasallianceforlife.org.


  • The highly successful Alternatives to Abortion program provides a variety of services to assist women with unplanned pregnancies to carry their unborn babies to term and keep the baby or place the baby for adoption. Services continue for three years after the birth of the child at nearly 200 sites across Texas serving more than 100,000 women and families annually.
  • The Legislature has funded that program since 2006 through a budget appropriation only. SB 24 will put the program into law where it will be on firmer ground for years to come.